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Umah Ramah (UR) was a dream of Asih Widiyowati and Abdul Rosyidi, a couple who have been working and writing on Reproductive Health issues for over a decade, and dream of building a movement in Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights Awareness in Indonesia. Their dream flourished, and in 2020, they formally launched Umah Ramah as a Non-Profit Foundation with initial and continuous support from the National Organization of Asian and Pacific Islanders Ending Sexual Violence (NAPIESV).

In its development, the number of staff continues to grow, including young women, men and queer people. Besides the core staff, volunteers are a big part of widening Umah Ramah’s outreach in the community. Volunteers are recruited from the community and alumni of the Sudhamala School in 2023. Umah Ramah staff and volunteers are active as speakers at various events, holding discussions, conducting research, publishing books, campaigning on social media, and accompanying community members who have experienced sexual violence. With assistance from Nina Jusuf (Co-Founder of NAPIESV) and Husein Muhammad (Muslim Feminist Ulama), we are committed to continuing the movement to end sexual violence.


Umah Ramah is an organization with the vision of creating a just and equitable society free of violence and upholding humanity.

Our mission is to end sexual violence through:
Research on Sexual Violence: the root cause and its impact in individual and communities through local culture and faith/religion lenses.
Holding space for individuals who experienced sexual violence across the life span
Umah Ramah centers and follows the leadership of individuals who experienced sexual violence in developing analyses, working strategies, and establishing safe spaces in the community.

We believe, support, and practice women’s leadership in organizations and spaces in the movement, considering that this violence is rooted in gender inequality.

In carrying out our mission or working to actualize our vision, we adhere to three key principles: justice, Humanity, and Rahmatan lil ‘Alamin (compassion for all).

UR understands that sexual violence is a form of gender-based violence rooted in power and control. However, sexual violence has characteristics that cannot be equated with other forms of violence.

The impact of sexual violence is often severe, both for the individuals who experience it and for the community itself, because it relates to sexuality, often a non-discussable topic in some cultures and faiths. Therefore, it is imperative to include cultural and faith factors when we work in supporting individuals who have experienced sexual violence and the community they are in.