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One of NAPIESV’s tactic in finding critical issues specific to sexual violence is organizing roundtable discussions. NAPIESV hosted a roundtable discussion on justice and sexual violence in July 2017 in Albuquerque, New Mexico, with victim service advocates, various service providers and survivors. The findings from the discussion resulted on a second roundtable discussion in August 2019 in Portland, Oregon, on the same topic, but expanded to bridging the gap between sexual assault victim service programs and programs for harm-doers. The complexity of sexual violence sparks questions of what approaches to take when harm-doers have also been sexual abuse victims; what justice would look like in such cases; and how healing and wellness can be tied to justice. Because a majority of harm-doers have been males, NAPIESV has been exploring avenues of engaging with males in transformational ways. NAPIESV hosted a roundtable discussion on the U.S. Military, Sexual Violence, and the API Communities.

All of the reports from our previous roundtable discussions can be accessed in our Resource Library: